A honey house is a term used for a facility where you process honey. Even though we call our facility the "Honey House", it has many more uses than just processing honey. Because demand for our fine products has grown over the years, it was necessary for us to expand into a larger building. Our Honey House is 2,000 square feet, and is divided up into functional areas. On the first floor we have our USDA compliant extracting kitchen. This is where we bring our honey supers in and extract the honey to store in barrels. Also, on our first floor we have our Soap Studio, where we produce and cure our handcrafted soap. This is next to our packaging and shipping department. We also have a retail store on the first floor. On the second floor of our Honey House is our office, conference, and screen printing area where we screen print some of our packaging.
Our Honey House was built from the pine trees that were standing in its current location. We started erecting the walls in 2006, and with some help along the way, we now have a wonderfully efficient structure where we continue to make the fine products our customers enjoy.